Thursday 19 March 2015

Paper flower Cattleya Orchid

For stencil

For video

Cattleya is a genus of 113 species of orchids from Costa Rica and the Lesser Antilles south to Argentina.
They are widely known for their large, showy flowers, and were used extensively in hybridization for the cut-flower trade until the 1980s when pot plants became more popular. This genus and the numerous hybrids come close, through their beauty, to the idealized picture we have of the orchids.The flowers of the hybrids can vary in size from 5 cm to 15 cm or more. They occur in all colors except true blue and black.
To many people the term Cattleya is synonymous with orchids. For a long period, a Cattleya corsage was a prerequisite for any special occasion and as a result the Cattleya has often been called the Queen of Orchids. While no longer the reigning queen of the orchid floral industry it is difficult not to be impressed by a well-flowered Cattleya. No longer limited to white and various shades of lavender and purple, high quality flowers are available in the entire color spectrum (except true blue) and in a wide range of plant sizes.

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